
2019 Western Star 4700SF


For Sale: 2019 Western Star 4700SF Dump Truck

Vehicle Details:
Model: 4700SF
Manufacturer: Detroit Diesel
Model: DD13
Displacement: 12.8L
Cylinders: 6
Fuel Type: Diesel
Horsepower: 525
Engine Brake: Yes
Manufacturer: Eaton Fuller
Type: Manual
Speeds: 18
Frame: Double frame
Axles: 4 (Includes Pusher Axle)
Differential Lock: Full
Suspension: Walking beam
Brakes: Air
PTO: Yes
GVWR: 88,600 lbs
Front Axle Weight Rating (FAWR): 20,000 lbs
Intermediate Axle Weight Rating (IAWR): 13,000 lbs
Rear Axle Weight Rating (RAWR): 23,000 lbs
Comfort Features: Air Conditioning and Heat
Heated Mirrors: Yes
Power Windows: Yes
Cruise Control: Yes
Dump Bed:
Manufacturer: Bibeau
Dimensions: 18′ L x 99″ W
Side Height: 54″
Side Board Height: 18″
Bed Type: Steel
Roll Tarp: Yes
Ram: Single
End Gate: Air operated
Front: 425/65R22.5
Rear: 11R22.5
Lift Axle: 275/70R22.5
The 2019 Western Star 4700SF Dump Truck is a rugged and powerful vehicle designed for demanding hauling and construction tasks. Powered by a Detroit Diesel DD13 engine with a displacement of 12.8 liters and 525 horsepower, this truck delivers exceptional performance on the job.

Equipped with an Eaton Fuller manual transmission with 18 speeds, the 4700SF provides precise control and responsiveness. The double-frame construction, combined with a walking beam suspension and full differential lock, ensures stability and durability, making it suitable for heavy loads and rough terrains.

The interior features air conditioning, heating, heated mirrors, power windows, and cruise control for a comfortable driving experience.

This dump truck is fitted with a Bibeau dump bed that measures 18 feet long and 99 inches wide, featuring a side height of 54 inches and a side board height of 18 inches. The steel bed includes a roll tarp and an air-operated end gate for efficient loading and unloading.

With robust tires (425/65R22.5 in the front, 11R22.5 in the rear, and 275/70R22.5 on the lift axle), this Western Star 4700SF Dump Truck is ready to tackle heavy-duty jobs with confidence and efficiency.

Year: 2019
Make: Western Star
Model: 4700SF
Equipment Type: Dump Truck
Odometer: 6678
Miles: 175929
Engine: Detroit Diesel DD13
Cylinder: 6
Fuel Type: Diesel
Condition: Used
Transmission: Eaton Fuller
Price: $91,000
Stock Number: 123

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